When it comes to making money online, there are a ton of different options available. One popular way to earn some extra cash is by selling low content books on Amazon KDP. This platform allows you to create and sell books with minimal text, such as journals, coloring books, and activity books.

In this guide, I will walk you through the steps of creating and selling your own low-content books on Amazon KDP. I will cover everything from coming up with book ideas, creating the book, to marketing your finished product. So, let’s dive in!

What are Low Content Books?

Low content books are books that have minimal text and are typically made up of spaces to fill in with specific information such as blank journals, calendars, planners, and recipe journals. They are easy to create, and their popularity on Amazon KDP is increasing as people look for ways to organize their lives and express their creativity.

Amazon KDP is essentially print on demand, so there is no cost to you as the seller before a sale is made.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Low Content Books on Amazon KDP

Step 1: Decide on Your Niche

The first step to creating low content books on Amazon KDP is to decide on your niche. A niche is a specific topic or theme that your book will cover. Choosing a niche is important as it will determine the content and design of your book, and will help you attract your target audience.

Don’t worry about choosing the wrong niche, because if you want to be successful with low content books on Amazon KDP you should try out multiple niches especially when you start to see what works and what does not. 

Profitable Niches for Low Content Books:

  • Educational Books and Workbooks
    • Letter/Number Tracing Books
    • Cursive Handwriting Books
    • Math Workbooks
    • Scissor Skills Books
  • Activity Books
    • Word Search Books
    • Crossword Books
    • Maze Puzzles
    • iSpy Books
  • Recipe Journals
  • Workout Journals 

Step 2: Research Your Niche

Once you have decided on your niche, research it thoroughly to identify the most popular themes, designs, and formats. Check out the competition on Amazon and take note of the books that are selling well. This will help you understand the market and the preferences of your target audience.

How to know what books are selling well on Amazon?

  • Look for a low Best Sellers Rank. (Lower the better #1 is best)
    • 3 books with Best Sellers Ranks of 300k or below = Good Niche
  • Use tools to speed up this process
helium 10 for amazon kdp
Example of what a search query (Coloring books) looks like with Helium 10

Step 3: Create Your Content

Once you have identified your niche and researched it, it’s time to create your content. Use your research to create designs and layouts that are unique, engaging, and visually appealing. My favorite tool for this is Canva to create your designs.

Watch the video below to get an idea of the workflow involved in creating your content. 

Credit: Paul Marles

Step 4: Format Your Book

After creating your content, it’s time to format your book for Amazon KDP. You can use Amazon’s free templates or design your own. Make sure to follow Amazon’s formatting guidelines to ensure that your book meets their requirements.

The below video is a great example and step by step guide to formatting your KDP books. 

Credit: Paul Marles

Step 5: Publish Your Book

Once you have formatted your book, it’s time to publish it on Amazon KDP. Choose the appropriate categories and keywords to help potential customers find your book. Set your pricing and publish your book.

Step 6: Promote Your Book

To be honest, promoting and marketing your book is not necessary. Our goal here is to create a large quantity of low and no content books and get them up on Amazon. If we do it right we will have some winners that naturally rank on Amazon and make sales every month. 

If you are interested in promoting your book here’s a few ways. After publishing your book, it’s time to promote it to increase its visibility and sales. You can use social media, email marketing, and Amazon ads to promote your book. Encourage your readers to leave reviews, which will increase your book’s credibility and visibility.

Tips and Tricks to Maximize Your Profits

  1. Focus on a specific niche to make your book stand out and attract your target audience.
  2. Research your niche thoroughly to understand the market and the preferences of your target audience.
  3. Use unique designs and layouts to make your book visually appealing and engaging.
  4. Format your book correctly to ensure that it meets Amazon’s requirements.
  5. Set competitive pricing to attract customers and increase your sales.
  6. Promote your book using social media, email marketing, and Amazon ads to increase its visibility and sales.
  7. Encourage your readers to leave reviews to increase your book’s credibility and visibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use images from the internet in my low content books?

No, you should not use images from the internet in your low content books unless you have the proper permissions. Using copyrighted images without permission can result in legal issues.

Instead, you can use free or paid stock images, create your own graphics, or purchase images from reputable sources.

Do I need to have a lot of writing experience to create low content books?

No, you do not need to have a lot of writing experience to create low content books. However, it is important to focus on quality content and use templates that make it easy to create professional-looking books.

How much money can I make selling low content books on Amazon KDP?

The amount of money you can make selling low content books on Amazon KDP varies depending on several factors, including the niche you choose, the quality of your books, and your marketing strategy. However, many sellers are able to make a significant profit by selling low content books on Amazon.

Can I sell low content books on platforms other than Amazon KDP?

Yes, there are other platforms where you can sell your low content books, including Etsy and Gumroad. However, Amazon KDP is currently the most popular platform for selling low content books, so it is a good place to start.